This the area of knowledge, skill and expertise that sets us apart from other lawn and garden care specialists. We are plant people. Our team of gardeners are trained specifically to understand plants, flowers, trees and shrubs that make up the best gardens on the West Coast.
Like your lawn, we clearly understand that your garden is a big investment in time, attention, maintenance and money. The payback, of course, is the joy it brings on many levels.
It all starts when we meet and evaluate the current state of the project under review. In some cases, we start from scratch with your vision guiding the way. And like our lawn experts, our plant experts are knowledge and experienced with the West Coast - South Island environment.
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Plant choice makes a massive difference in how you enjoy your garden. There are many factors to consider when planning or renovating a garden. Certainly a foundation of healthy, vibrant soil is a key factor. Plants like earth they can spread their roots out into.
Water is also key here. Too much or too little will end up undermining the healthy development of what you're attempting to grow - plants, trees, shrubs and flowers as examples. Some like to have "wet feet", while others prefer the opposite, and then all those in that fall in between.
Sunlight is the third key. It's very important to know the amount of sunlight the plot is subjected to daily, and seasonally, in order to introduce the right plantings into the garden. There are great plants for pretty much any exposure that will give you a stunning display if the right ones are used.
One of the interesting factors to consider for us here on the Island is "what do you want your plantings to attract or not attract?"
We hear various answers to the question. Certainly one of the things people don't want to attract are deer. They make it tough to have quite a few species of botanicals in an unfenced yard. They're almost impossible to stop. However if you choose to plant things they don't like to eat, eventually they don't come back.
There are quite a few clients who would like to have material in their gardens to attract birds and bees. We also see people say they would love to have a butterfly garden. Hummingbirds are a big favorite for many. All of these options are totally doable, with the right choices made between yourself and our team.
As well on the South Island we have an option to enjoy our gardens year round. Our team of gardeners will work within your budget and set up your space with annual, perennial and seasonal plantings so your outdoor spaces looks their best year round.
So if you're looking for a team that's passionate about plants and gardens, instead of just using a regular landscaping service, you've come to the right place. We pride ourselves on how we care for your garden.
Tending to your garden is a multi-faceted process. There are a variety of factors to consider in order to make your lawn look and feel it's best. These include, but are not limited to:
And of course, just like a
lawn, proper and ongoing maintenance is also a key factor. This helps with keeping the environment healthy, and most importantly pest and weed free, allowing you to keep ahead of any potential issues that may arise.
We offer a variety of maintenance packages. Once we've had the opportunity to meet you and view your property, we will provide a written quote. You will have options to choose from based on your budget.